Sunday, January 26, 2014

Recreational Vessels Under the Longshore Act. Again.

Representative Wasserman Schultz has introduced a new amendment to the Longshore Act.

The Bill, HR 3896, seeks to revise the previous definition of “Recreational Vessel” in the Regulations.  The entire Bill has one section, with two subsections.  Section 1(a) is titled “Definitions”, and Section 1(b) is titled “Regulations”.

The Regulations provision requires the Department of Labor to amend the regulations in section 701.501 by replacing the current subsections (a) and (b) with “only the text of the definition of recreational vehicle [sic] in section 2(22) of the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, as added by subsection (a)…”

Apart from the misprint, (“vehicle” should be “vessel”), can the Department actually make the changes within 90 days, given all the restraints on regulating and procedures required under the various statutes seeking to prevent rapid rule making?

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